Source code for AutoArchive._application.archiving._archive_info

# Project: AutoArchive
# License: GNU GPLv3
# Copyright (C) 2003 - 2014 Róbert Čerňanský

""":attr:`_BackupLevelRestartReasons` enum and :class:`_ArchiveInfo` class."""

__all__ = ["_BackupLevelRestartReasons", "_ArchiveInfo"]


from abc import *

from AutoArchive._infrastructure.py_additions import Enum
from AutoArchive._infrastructure.configuration import ArchiverTypes



#: Reasons for restarting of the :term:`backup level`.
_BackupLevelRestartReasons = Enum(

    #: :term:`Backup level` restart did not occurred.

    #: Maximal number of restarts to a lower :term:`backup level` was reached.  Full restart was done.

    #: Maximal age without full restart was reached.  Full restart was done.

    #: Maximal :term:`backup level` reached.  Restart to a lower level was done.

    #: Maximal age without a restart was reached.  Restart to a lower level was done.



[docs]class _ArchiveInfo(metaclass = ABCMeta): """Information about an archive. .. note:: Class should be instantiated by calling the :meth:`_Archiving.getArchiveInfo()` or \ :meth:`_Archiving.getStoredArchiveInfo()` factory methods.""" @abstractmethod def __init__(self, name): self._name = name self._path = None self._archiverType = ArchiverTypes.Tar self._destDir = "" self._incremental = None self._backupLevel = None self._nextBackupLevel = None self._restarting = None self._restartAfterLevel = None self._restartReason = None self._restartLevel = None self._restartCount = None self._fullRestartAfterCount = None self._lastRestart = None self._restartAfterAge = None self._lastFullRestart = None self._fullRestartAfterAge = None @property def name(self): """Gets the name of the archive. :rtype: ``str``""" return self._name @property def path(self): """Gets the path to the archive's root. .. note:: Will be ``None`` if the archive's root can not be retrieved. :rtype: ``str``""" return self._path @property def archiverType(self): """Gets the archiver type for this archive. .. note:: Value is guaranteed to be non-\ ``None``. :rtype: :attr:`ArchiverTypes`""" return self._archiverType @property def destDir(self): """Gets the archive's destination directory. .. note:: Value is guaranteed to be non-\ ``None``. :rtype: ``str``""" return self._destDir @property def incremental(self): """Gets the status of incremental archiving activation. .. note:: Will be ``None`` if the :attr:`archiverType` does not support incremental archiving. :rtype: ``bool``""" return self._incremental @property def backupLevel(self): """Gets the current :term:`backup level`. .. note:: Will be ``None`` if the archive is not incremental or used :attr:`archiverType` does not support incremental archiving. .. note:: For archiver types that supports incremental archiving, whether the return value will be ``None`` or \ not does not depend on the *current* :attr:`incremental` value. If the archive was configured and created \ as incremental previously then the :term:`backup level` will be defined even if the current \ :attr:`incremental` value would be ``False`` and vice versa. :rtype: ``int``""" return self._backupLevel @property def nextBackupLevel(self): """Gets the next :term:`backup level`. See also :attr:`backupLevel`. .. note:: Will be ``None`` if the archive is not incremental or used :attr:`archiverType` does not support incremental archiving. :rtype: ``int``""" return self._nextBackupLevel @property def restarting(self): """Gets the status of :term:`backup level` restarting activation. .. note:: Will be ``None`` if the :attr:`archiverType` does not support incremental archiving. :rtype: ``bool``""" return self._restarting @property def restartAfterLevel(self): """Gets the maximal :term:`backup level`; after it is reached it will be restarted to a lower value. .. note:: Will be ``None`` if the :attr:`archiverType` does not support incremental archiving. :rtype: ``int``""" return self._restartAfterLevel @property def restartReason(self): """Gets the reason for the upcoming :term:`backup level` restart. .. note:: Will be ``None`` if the :attr:`archiverType` does not support incremental archiving or the restart reason can not be determined. :rtype: :attr:`_BackupLevelRestartReasons`""" return self._restartReason @property def restartLevel(self): """Gets a :term:`backup level` to which a next restart would be done. .. note:: Will be ``None`` if the :attr:`archiverType` does not support incremental archiving. :rtype: ``int``""" return self._restartLevel @property def restartCount(self): """Gets the number of :term:`backup level` restarts already performed. .. note:: Will be ``None`` if the :attr:`archiverType` does not support incremental archiving or if \ :attr:`restarting` was not enabled for the archive in the past. :rtype: ``int``""" return self._restartCount @property def fullRestartAfterCount(self): """Gets the number of restarts after which the :term:`backup level` will be restarted to 0. .. note:: Will be ``None`` if the :attr:`archiverType` does not support incremental archiving or if no value \ is defined for :attr:`.Options.FULL_RESTART_AFTER_COUNT`. :rtype: ``int``""" return self._fullRestartAfterCount @property def lastRestart(self): """Gets the date when the last :term:`backup level` restart occurred. .. note:: Will be ``None`` if the :attr:`archiverType` does not support incremental archiving or if \ :attr:`restarting` was not enabled for the archive in the past. :rtype: ````""" return self._lastRestart @property def restartAfterAge(self): """Gets the number of days after which the :term:`backup level` should be restarted. .. note:: Will be ``None`` if the :attr:`archiverType` does not support incremental archiving or if no value is defined for :attr:`.Options.RESTART_AFTER_AGE`. :rtype: ``int``""" return self._restartAfterAge @property def lastFullRestart(self): """Gets the date when the last :term:`backup level` restart to level 0 occurred. .. note:: Will be ``None`` if the :attr:`archiverType` does not support incremental archiving or if \ :attr:`restarting` was not enabled for the archive in the past. :rtype: ````""" return self._lastFullRestart @property def fullRestartAfterAge(self): """Gets the number of days after which the :term:`backup level` should be restarted to level 0. .. note:: Will be ``None`` if the :attr:`archiverType` does not support incremental archiving or if no value is defined for :attr:`.Options.FULL_RESTART_AFTER_AGE`. :rtype: ``int``""" return self._fullRestartAfterAge